Hello there! 👋😀
I’m now a graduate from the Maryland Institute College of Art; where I was majoring in Game Design and minoring in Graphic Design.
I’ve mainly been practicing creating 2D games using the Unity engine, along with a few 3D games, but I’ve also created some text-based games using Twine. I’ve participated in several group-based projects and, for the most part, focused on the development of C# scripts for our games - my favorite part!
In the future, I hope to spend some time working on many of the different aspects of game development for my own games (eg. narrative, character, level, and sound design, etc.) I also hope to spend some more time working with VR, and maybe AR games.
There are a few games that I’ve worked on somewhere below this sentence.
And following this sentence is a link to my graphic designs, if you’re interested: https://www.behance.net/Samuel_Hudgins
If you want to reach me for anything, feel free to send an email to me here: samuel_h_713@msn.com
However you game -
😀 Have a happy gaming!